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video line inspection

Most facilities experience problems with their drain lines at some point during operation. Locating the problem area within the drain line is often a difficult task. People try to guess or speculate as to the location of the problem which can be time consuming and costly. Excavation is often required with other methods in order to find the source of the problem, however with video inspection equipment it is only necessary to dig one time to pinpoint the exact location.

Video inspection equipment is comprised of a camera, a monitor, a locator and a VCR. The locating device is attached to the camera head and sends a signal to the surface to a separate locating device that shows the exact spot of the problem. This information is captured by the camera and recorded on a video tape. This tape provides valuable information that a facility owner needs at the time of inspection which can be kept on file for future reference.

Preventative maintenance and knowledge of how your system functions are also important factors that directly affect the performance of your system and your business. It is important to remember that when a clog occurs in the main sewer line, other systems linked to your restrooms will usually be affected as well. By educating your staff on drain line and wastewater functions, you can help to eliminate problems before they occur.

Video inspection equipment takes the guesswork out of locating problem areas in drain lines. It is a cost effective process that can save the customer time and money, and help to reduce overall down time. If you experience repetitive problems with your drain lines, Video inspection equipment could be the answer for you. Don't play the usual expensive guessing games.

If you have questions or would like more information about this innovative process, a Warco's representative will be happy to assist you.
